Tuesday 8 October 2013


This evening 3 of us had a skype conversation with Adesola and it really helped me understand more about the course. I started trying to work my way through tasks without understanding why I was doing them. From talking to Adesola I have realised that doing each task will lead me to further my own learning around my professional practice and blogging about that learning can be used as 'evidence' in my final essay at the end of module one. The example given was maybe realising that c.v.'s need to be separated so acting would be separate from promotional, if you wrote a blog about that realisation you could then reference that blog in the essay and therefore only have to take up a few sentences of the small word allowance in the essay explaining it.

I really hope that makes sense to anyone else who is confused? I still am not sure where my learning is headed but i now have a better idea of how to find out :-)


  1. Thank you for writing this, I missed the Skype but this helped!

  2. Hi Olivia

    I really wanted to join the skype session but the times didn't work out for me with the time difference/work here. Hopefully the next one will be at a more suitable time and I'll be able to join you all, it sounds like it was really helpful.


  3. Hi Olivia

    Below is a thought I've been posting on others blogs today:

    I thought it might be helpful if everyone added the 'subscribe via email' option to their blog? You can find this in the 'layout' section of your blogger clicking on 'add a gadget' (I've put mine above my profile) and then choosing the 'subscribe via email' gadget. I thought this could save us all time as rather than checking everyday to see what's new, we would get an email telling us someone has a new blog topic. Just a thought! I'm going to post this to everyone.

    Take care


    1. Thank you Megan I will do that now! Im still strugging with blogging and how it all works!! This is a very helpful sugestion!

  4. Hi Olivia.
    Thanks for that. That's cleared a few things up ha ha.

    Kim xx

  5. Hi Olivia
    You summarised our conversation on this really well. Thank you for sharing it on your blog. As we all have experiences and conversations we can learn from each other by share our reflections on the experience. This is what you have done - great. For people who could not make the time... who knows the most useful thing could be this blog post it is not like learning happens at a designated place and time and after that it has to stop. Any moment has the potential to be a part of the transformative nature of an ar-ah / light bulb moment.
