Sunday, 27 April 2014

Survey Monkey

In my new job survey monkey is the main tool we use for collecting campaign data and results. I believe it is an efficient and effective way of quickly getting all the information you need. You can set them up easily and for free and choose for each question how the answer should be submitted. For example one answer could be checking a yes or no box whilst another could be free text. You can also get quantitative data by asking for just numbers to be recorded.
All the information can be quickly exported into an excel spread sheet and used in any way you want it. You can use the insights gained from the survey to prove to clients that the campaign was effective or to find where it went wrong. The most recent example of this is a commuter paper sampling campaign I am working on. Almost the same activity was completed in January and survey monkeys were filled in for every train station involved. When planning my campaign I could look through the old results to see approximate number of samples and staff needed for each station. This meant I did not make the same mistakes like over staffing or not supplying enough samples again.
I will definitely be using survey monkey to help me run my marketing campaign for Tom.    

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