Wednesday 13 November 2013

Task 1b Blogging

I have been thinking about why I find blogging so difficult and Facebook so easy. Although Facebook is a complete representation of me picture and profile wise it does not contain many of my opinions. To me blogging felt like I was forcing my opinion on others. Why would my opinion matter to anyone else or have any right to influence them. What I have come to realise after studying reader 1 is that it is not just shouting out an opinion but sharing and combining thoughts. I find it interesting to read others’ opinions so maybe they might find mine interesting as well. I also believe that doing something unfamiliar is always hard for the first time but the more you do it the easier it gets and the more connections to your normal you can make.
Writing blogs is like writing a status only more detailed and generally on a more specific subject. Now that I have connected the two I can see that what I am currently finding alien and difficult will get easier.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Olivia

    This is really interesting. I too find Facebook really easy, and also my personal blog (my friends genuinely text me asking for the next instalment if I'm even a few hours late posting) but have not found any aspect of the professional blog as easy. Your post made me think again about why, the reason is twofold:

    Firstly, the people I am interacting with on my Facebook are my friends. I have known many of them for over half my life. I can choose who can see what and I am not being judged.

    Secondly my personal blog is there for my friends. If other people stumble upon it, great. But it's not for comments or interactions, although of course that option is there and welcomed.

    People who read both of these know me, they can see me saying what I am saying and understand my sense of humour.

    I do not write my professional blogs in the same style as the above, I am not funny in them and they do not show my personality. The people reading them are a different audience, and their purpose is different. Obviously what you do in your personal life can have an affect on your professional life, but I feel this affect could be even greater with these blogs.

    I think adapting between the two is hard. A little like adapting between the language you are using to communicate with a child, and the language you use at a business meeting. The one you use most is always going to be the most comfortable.
